Just how many social media sites do we need?
'Start an on-line business' they said.... 'You will make a killing' they said...
Just who are they & what do they know??
OK, so I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but did I realise how flooded the market was going to be & how much time it takes to get my shop out there....Simple answer is, no. But I kinda do now.
This is where it all started, a simple head band I made for a friend & posted on Facebook. Suddenly everyone I knew wanted one so I thought I must be on to a winner.
Things were good, no..they were great!! Orders were constant & I was clicking my needles every waking hour. Then Facebook (or as my crafty friends have now nicknamed it Mr Face-ache) changed how businesses were being seen. Suddenly I spent more hours networking than I did knitting. The orders were still coming but not to the extent they were. Time for my next social media search.