Tuesday, 31 May 2016

G square pattern

'G' square

I'm getting ahead with these patterns now & have written up to Q, I just have to test knit them.  So here is the next one for you.....I give you G!!

 My blanket is really starting to grow now & I'm liking my colour choices of lemon, lilac, white & grey. I'll post an update on my Facebook page of the blanket so far.

Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form. 

Sunday, 29 May 2016

F square pattern

'F' square

I'm on a roll with these patterns now so here is the F alphabet square pattern.

I've started stitching my blanket together now, there is nothing worse than sitting with a pile of squares that all need sewing up. 

Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form. 

E square pattern

'E' square

Finally finished & here it is.. the E alphabet square pattern. I have decided to use 4 colours on my test blanket & had to decide how I want the finished blanket to look, so I have already planned all the colours for all the letters.

A cushion is the latest idea I've had for a quicker gift idea, I'd love to know what you make.
Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form. 

Saturday, 7 May 2016

D square pattern

'D' square

Here is the D alphabet square pattern. Trying to decide on my colours for these squares when there are so many choices is not an easy task.

Bunting is another option for what to do with these squares, I'd love to know what you make.
Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.