A few more days & the whole alphabet will be complete. It's taken a lot longer than I hoped but I'm happy to finally see the end in sight. I'd love to see your knitted squares. Post them on Instagram or Twitter using #kwirkyknits so I can take a look. Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.
Whizzing through these last few squares now. W, X, Y & Z have all been written & the W square is currently on my needles for the test knit. So we will soon be finished at long last. I'd love to see your knitted squares. Post them on Instagram or Twitter using #kwirkyknits so I can take a look. Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.
We are getting to the end now, just a few more letters to go. I wonder what to try next?? I'd love to see your knitted squares. Post them on Instagram or Twitter using #kwirkyknits so I can take a look. Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.
It's been a long time coming.... I'm sorry for the delay, life just gets in the way sometimes. But I'm back & the remaining letters will be available in the next few days. This one is pretty easy. Post your squares on Instagram or twitter using #kwirkyknits so I can take a look. Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.
White is so hard to photograph! But here is the next square pattern. Only 7 letters to go...then I will add a basic plain square pattern to fill in the gaps. Post your squares on Instagram using #kwirkyknits so I can take a look. Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.
RRRRright then, here it is the next square in the alphabet. Can I see your squares?? Post them on Instagram using #kwirkyknits so I can take a look. Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.
I have adjusted the pattern very slightly to the one in the photo on row 13 to give a better line through the Q. How are you getting on with your squares? Post them on Instagram using #kwirkyknits so I can take a look. Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.
I have had a few people contact me & ask for the rest of the alphabet squares & I am getting around to them between customer orders. It is nice to know that there are so many of you knitting these up & I'd love to see them. Post yours on Instagram using #kwirkyknits so I can take a look. Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.
So we have made it to the 10th letter of the alphabet & a fairly simple one to make. As I'm sewing the blanket together I realise how big it will be on completion. You could omit the border stitches, if you're a confident knitter, to make the whole thing smaller. Anyway on with the pattern.. Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.
It has been quite a while since I posted the M square, I've had such a busy few months. I do apologise but aim to have the rest of the patterns test knitted & blogged as quickly as possible. Having test knitted the N square (as in the photo) I decided I didn't like how the offset in the up stroke of the N looked, so I have edited the pattern so yours will go up in a straight line. Please do me the courtesy of a pattern credit should you make an item to sell on. The pattern itself may not be sold in any part or form.